
Selected references of comapny Ing. Vincent Dulina CZIPO Košice from all areas of expertise...

Engineering Geodesy

  • Construction surveying of the Carmelitan monastery, Košice – Lorinčík
  • Pre-execution and post-execution surveying of housing estates in Košice-mesto district and Košice-okolie district
  • Water pipe surveying for location: Sokoľ
  • Brigde construction surveying - road I/67 – 076 Tatra's valley,
    Izolex Bau, s. r. o.
  • Dust sludge malformations analysis, Tepláreň Košice a.s.
  • Construction surveying of a apartment block - Javor - Poprad
  • Hypsometry and planimetry surveying and processing of digital documentation for planning engineers

Property Development Consultancy

  • Preparation of supportive documentation in order to buy-out the land properties for the Integrated Transport System (IDS), City of Košice
  • A buy-out elaboration for the highway D1 construction, Žilina – Strážov, Slovenská správa ciest (Slovak Road Administration)
  • Land consolidations for locations: Obišovce and Petrovo, Ministry of Agriculture, Slovak Republic

Plat maps

  • Property settlements in ownership of ŽSR /Slovak Railways/ (surveying and plat maps execution)
  • Property settlements in ownership of SR – /Forests of the Slovak Republic/ (surveying and plat maps elaboration)
  • Plat maps elaboration regarding property consignments to providers of engineering networks (St. Hlavná, Kuzmányho – neighborhood unit, City center Letná ), Košice City Government
  • Register elaboration of the original condition, new condition, plat maps processing for the settlement for 13 communal garden units, plat maps for a proposal of land substitution surveying (Garden units in Košice and Rimavská Sobota), Krajské pozemkové úrady /Regional Land Offices/
  • Plat maps elaboration for land restitutions in 23 locations in the following districts: Rimavská Sobota, Žilina and Čadca, Slovenský pozemkový fond /The Slovak Land Fund/
  • Land property division and the withdrawal from the agricultural soil in order to set the advertising boards, company Respo s.r.o.
  • Other plat maps and surveying- approximately 150 orders per year.
  • Renewed property evidence registration (ROEP) on more than 70 land territories (i.e. Holíč, Dedinky, Skároš, Boliarov, Čučma, Čerhov, Lastovce, Jablonec, atd.), various Land Registries of Slovak Republic